Production of Wagyu Cattle starts with the Dairy Farmer. Warrendale work with Genus ABS to provide the highest quality Wagyu semen for our farmers, creating a Wagyu Cross, known as F1 Wagyu. We generally use larger framed dairy breeds to achieve the carcass weight we are targeting. Calves produced through dairy herds have often been viewed as a ’by-product’ with the focus on milk production.
However, we are able to work with our dairy farmers to give a purpose for these Wagyu cross calves. Throughout our system both steers, and heifers are of equal value and calves are purchased on a guaranteed flat rate, with up to £50 premium available once the cattle reach slaughter. We are looking for dairy partners to inseminate the very best Wagyu genetics in the world and to give this premium product the best start in life.
Our Production Criteria:
- Adequate Colostrum – Warrendale Wagyu has adopted its very own colostrum protocol using the 4 Q’s (Quickly, Quantity, Quality, Quietly). This is key to your animal reaching the end of the chain and therefore entitling you to the slaughter premium. Not just correct quantity but correct quality!
- First Vaccination – We expect all calves to have their first vaccination before leaving their place of birth.
- DNA, EID and BVD Tagging – Caisley Tags supply Combo 39 (EID, DNA, BVD) tags for the Wagyu Scheme. Warrendale can assist in arranging the initial tags. The cost of the tags will remain with the producer. BVD results will be returned directly to the producer. DNA results will be returned to the British Wagyu Association on behalf of Warrendale.
- Castration & Disbudding – All males to be castrated on the dairy unit following Defra guidelines. Calves to be disbudded on rearing unit prior to weaning.
- Movement of calves – The Wagyu’s can be sold to meet the farms requirements. 2-4 weeks on a set price or after weaning on a weight-based Wagyu pricing matrix.
- Haulage – The seller is responsible for the arrangement and transportation cost of the calves. Assistance can be arranged by the Warrendale team if required.

If Wagyu genetics and production doesn't suit your farming system, take a look at the other opportunities in our supply chain.